About Me

My name is Marc Smith. I have taught in secondary schools across the north of England since 2004, mainly A level Psychology but also Sociology, RE and Philosophy & Ethics.

I have also designed and delivered a ten-week introductory course in psychology for adult learners.

The Emotional Learner represents a combination of my experience as a teacher and my time as a postgraduate researcher, investigating the role of emotions in the ability to bounce back from both low-level stress and extreme adversity.

I have a BSc Honours degree in Psychology, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Masters degree in Education. I have also been awarded Chartered Psychologist status by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as well as Associate Fellowship.

In addition to The Emotional Learner, I am co-author (with Jonathan Firth) of Psychology in the Classroom.

I occasionally write for The Guardian

Selected Articles

Marc Smith (2018) Does Personality Count When It Comes To Teaching? (Cover Feature) TES 14 September)

Marc Smith (2017) The Eyes Don’t (Always) Have It TES (24 March)

Marc Smith (2016) Has The Resilience Ship Sailed? (Cover Feature) TES (25 March)

Marc Smith (2016) Use Psychology To Manage Student’s Expectation TES (18 March)

Marc Smith (2015) Foster Failure And Turn Frowns Upside Down TES (28 August)

Marc Smith (2015) Bounce Back: 10 Ways To Raise Resilient Children The Green Parent (March)

Smith M (2015) From Adversity to Buoyancy: Reconceptualising Academic Resilience The Psychologist vol.28 pp. 690-695

Smith M (2011) Failing Boys, Failing Psychology The Psychologist vol. 24 pp. 390-391

Smith M (2010) A-level Psychology: Is there a way forward? Psychology Teaching Review vol.16 pp. 33-37

Smith M (2007) Training to teach psychology in schools The Psychologist vol. 20 pp. 619